European sexuality has long been more open and accepted than in North America. In addition, North America is only now beginning to realize that borrowing European sexual attitudes is healthier in the fact that it can decrease sex crimes. I will illustrate these points given the proper channels. I will also go into greater depth in the areas of female orgasm, and how European females have more potent orgasms in general because their view of sexuality is one of freedom and health, as opposed to guilt and it being looked down upon. Erotic art museums will be tapped upon as well, illustrating how European nations are the leader in this area, and how sex is showcased for the beauty it holds, rather than sweeping it under the carpet.
Finally, I will present some opposing viewpoints to my research.
I have elected to use much more than only two articles for my information regarding this topic; therefore I cannot adhere to only two sources, as it would be professionally irresponsible. I will cite my sources throughout the paper accordingly and will have a substantial reference page. Let us begin.
Below are a list of stats on rape per country between 1998-2000 which is recent enough to get a clear idea of what we are dealing with here; with the U.S. far surpassing all European nations.
Rapes per country in ’98-00 are as follows:
United States
- 89,110 Spain - 5,664 Norway - 555 Netherlands - 1,648United Kingdom - 8,593 France - 8,458 Finland - 579 Denmark - 497
Germany - 7,499 Poland - 2,399 Ireland - 218 Switzerland - 404
Bulgaria - 593 Hungary - 589 Estonia - 73 Belarus - 530
Lithuania - 183 Romania - 1,110 Czech Republic - 500
Russia - 6,978 Latvia - 104 Moldova - 200 Slovenia - 86
Italy - 2,336 Portugal - 385 Ukraine - 1,151 Slovakia - 129
Greece - 114
Per capita you ask? The U.S. is number 9 out of the top 65 countries. The U.S. is also far above any other European nation per capita.
(Seventh United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, covering the period 1998 - 2000 (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention)
The question still remains as to why? Why do European nations have such a low rate of rape compared to the U.S.? My hypothesis is that because sexuality in Europe has always been open and regarded as beautiful, the need to commit violent repressed rage in a sexual way is less likely to occur. However, in contrast to the U.S. where sex is seen and perceived as “dirty”, “wrong” and immoral, the degree to which the repression manifests itself as anger grows stronger especially in men. In addition with regard to women, American women in general are more likely to be afraid to engage in a sexual relations with sexually aggressive men and/or women and thus will have a harder time achieving orgasm, than will a more freethinking European female. Of course I am referring to any sexual advance or activity that does not involve children, animals or humiliation or pain.
“Eastern European females, specifically from Russia, Hungary and Bulgaria are the most sexually active in the world, by having sex 150 times per year.” (Durex 2003) Italian females are the most likely to achieve an orgasm every time they have sex according to the 2004 Durex survey. Also found in the 2004 Durex survey, Croatians, Hungarians and Italian females were the most sexually satisfied and thus did not need to fake orgasms. In the 2005 Durex survey, it should not be a suprise that again the European females top the list in sexual satisfaction, with Polish and Belgians coming in at 57% and 56% respectively.
The Swedes and Scandinavians top the list of who wanted more sex, thus illustrating the healthy drive European females have toward sex. Also in the 2005 Durex survey the overall winners as being the most sexual are Greek females with the Croats coming in second. The point is clear that European females enjoy sex and are more proficient at it than their American counterparts.
Erotic art is another facet of European sexual culture that has set the standards for the United States. I will not delve too far into the past regarding this, however I will look at the current phenomena. Sex museums or now better known as erotic art museums, became most popular in Europe in the 1960’s. Of course the most concentrated number of erotic art museums exist in Europe and only about a handful exist in the U.S. The list in Europe contains such places as: -The Mussee in Paris which opened in 1998
-De Wallen in Amsterdam’s Red Light District
-The Venus Temple also in Amsterdam’s Red Light District is the oldest operating sex museum upon opening in 1985.
- The Erotic Art Museum in Hamburg , Germany
- The Beate Uhse Erotic Museum in Berlin, which is the largest erotic museum in the
- The Museum Erotica in Copenhagen, Denmark
- The Museo de la Erotica in Barcelona, Spain
- The Erotic Art Museum in St. Petersburg Russia claims to have the remains of Raputin’s penis.
The first erotic art museum to open in the U.S. was in New York City called the Museum of Sex in 2002.
In Miami Beach the World Erotic Art Museum opened its doors in 2005. Surely children should not be exposed to this kind of art, since they do not have the emotional or intellectual insight to grasp what the work is offering, but they should be opened up to this as adolescents and shown how sex is beautiful and natural and not a sin, and indeed patrons of the Museums in Europe come from all walks of life, including adolescents. For every position in life there is an opposite, and the case is no different here. There have been many opponents to free sexual attitudes in the history of man, or at least in the history of the United States.
Some say that pornography for instance, leads to greater violence against women; I am not one of those people. In fact I believe that it is quite the opposite. In the 70’s and 80’s feminists such as Andrea Dworkin claimed that viewing pornography leads to greater sex crimes particularly against women. A lower per capita crime rate as discussed earlier has led not only myself but others to conclude that the availability of porn in European nations such as The Netherlands and Sweden leads to fewer sex crimes, since the repression is nonexistent and there is a medium for healthy males to release sexual feelings in a nonviolent way. (Polinski 2006)
There is also evidence that areas in the U.S. where there is limited internet access, in turn leads to a higher incidence of rape. (D’Amato 2006)
There is also the argument that viewing erotic images in any form or engaging in vast amounts of sexual activity will lead to violence. Back in the 1980’s there was a huge debate in this area in relation to heavy metal music. The fact is, that a well psychologically rounded individual who views erotic images understands the line between what is on display and what is a social norm. However, those with already existing or predisposed tendencies toward violence will likely be affected by these images in a negative way; thus the problem lies with the individual and not with the art form.
Sex is a beautiful and natural occurrence; to ignore this fact would be unnatural. Of course, there are sociological norms that must be dealt with and considered before engaging in any sexual practice. The point of this paper is to try and bring to light my point that sexual freedom and expression is not dirty, should not be looked down upon, and should be cherished. Europeans had the right idea from the beginning, and it seems as if at least some of their practices are making ripples (not waves as of yet) here in America. I truly believe that with open sexuality comes fewer hate crimes, sex crimes, violent crimes and rapes.
In addition, open sexuality actually gives women more power than inhibits them from it, and brings a more level playing field to the sexes. The female orgasm is a phenomena and we have only tapped the surface as of yet; no pun intended. Female sexuality (female orgasm and ejaculation especially) is, in my opinion, an area that I just may make my career, since it encompasses so many things and is still so much a mystery. I look forward to it all
Pornography, rape and the internet. Retrieved on 2007-03-12.
D'Amato, Anthony (June 23, 2006). Porn Up, Rape Down. Retrieved on 2007-03-12. Retrieved on 2007-03-12.
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